Event Details
Lead with Laughs by David Horning
Date: | June 10, 2021, 11:45am |
Organizer: | Sarah Raymond |
Location: | Virtual, via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97538779441?pwd=NGlvSE16bjdPMkpBSTVDRS9NZ3ZRZz09 Meeting ID: 975 3877 9441 Passcode: 820563 One tap mobile +16699006833,,97538779441# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,97538779441# US (Tacoma) |
Price: | Free |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
SAVE the DATE! June meeting, Thursday, June 10th.
David Horning, "Lead With Laughs”.
Effective use of humor can inspire creative, engaged, and productive teams, strengthening relationships, improving problem-solving in the face of today's uncertainty, and creating the energizing workplace culture needed to thrive in a dynamic 21st century workplace. At the very least, we could all use a laugh right now, and I'd love to teach how to use humor as a leadership tool.